Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Timing is Everything.....

Wow! Its Spring Break, and I don't know about your household but ours is busy!   I haven't been blogging as much on this blog and partly because it goes along with my bible study most of the time, and its funny because I've actually been studying more.   The Lord has placed so many ideas, thoughts, questions, etc. on my head lately that I've had to start writing them down.   I've found myself studying very simple things in the bible for no related reason other than I believe God led me to that page that day.   It may sound crazy, but I never claimed to be "normal"...LOL :)

So even though this post isn't based upon any bible study I feel the need to share.   It may sound funny, ridiculous or even pathetic that "blogging" is helping me find my path in life.   I said that out loud to a friend yesterday and laughed myself.   Just the word "blog" is funny.   Really in all reality though, its true.   I have been in this place of "what do I do now?" for awhile.   At first it was a liberating and exciting feeling, after nearly two years of caring for my Grandmother, being a full time mom, still trying to maintain a full time job, etc. it was just exciting to even be at a point where I felt like I had a "choice" in what or how my day was going to go.  I believe the Lord started opening my eyes to opportunities, some that were there all along I just couldn't see them, some that had been put on my heart a long time ago but the timing was wrong, some completely new and out of my character yet appealing to me at the time.

As they say....."timing is everything".    I'm not sure who "they" are but I believe it to be true.....there is a time and place for everything and in the bible Jesus says "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority." Acts 1:7   This is so hard for me, I'm a control freak, and he is telling me that its basically none of my business to KNOW when things are going to happen in my life!  I really have to think on this one to let it absorb.   The practical Christian in me knows that God knows best, and that he only gives me the tools in my tool box to deal with what I am facing today, not tomorrow, not a week from now, just today.   Which is why we shouldn't "worry about tomorrow", etc.   My fleshly self wants to "PLAN, and KNOW" and I'm not even a big "planner" or "detail person" so I can only imagine how this must be for those of you out there!!

I got off track with that whole thing, but it does set the stage for the rest of what I'm going to say.    So in having the opportunity to actually "choose" how I wanted to spend my day (which is such a privilege) I started looking at job opportunities, going to school, etc.    Many of you who follow me on facebook or who read my blogs probably are thoroughly confused at "what I do..." or "what is my career"  as I've heard that many times lately.   So I decided to dedicate this blog to telling you at least where I'm at and where I'm going and it will be good and true up until well, the end of today! :) 

So I still have an active Real Estate license.   Within the next month I will be filling the position as the Principal Broker for our sister Co.: Investors Choice Referral Services.  This company is a holding company for Realtors who want to keep their license but cannot afford or for some other reason cannot keep their license active & current, so they refer their business to someone else and then receive a referral fee.   I will be the "Principal" of this company (principal is a good term, because that's basically what they do is oversee the agents under them and "grade papers" to make sure they are abiding by Real Estate law and ethics).  So those of you who need Real Estate information, are investors, or are simply thinking about buying or selling......the answer is YES I am still licensed and I would love to help you out, of course you may end up working with one of my team members some of the time, but they are great and I'd appreciate your blessing my family with business anytime!!!

My second career (Probably the most confusing)......I have a small marketing company where I work from home.  Over the past couple years I did business consulting for Independent Contractors, Salesman and small businesses, and I really enjoy it!!  I love teaching people things and helping them achieve their goals and dreams!  So the marketing company allows me not only to do the consulting, but allows me to take it a step further and actually "help" them with some of the social media networking that can be so time consuming for a business owner, but for me it's fun & a wonderful opportunity to work from home.   So for those of you out there who are also Realtors, who own your own business, sell Avon, crafts, Farm Fresh eggs, etc.   I can help you grow your business and a whole bunch of other cool things, and I can do it to fit almost anyones budget!!   So once again, I'd love to hear from you about this kind of stuff, and I think you would be surprised to hear all the things we can do to work together to help you make more money and/or achieve your goals! (So that is why when you see me sending out emails, or promoting a certain business, its not that I have 100 different careers, just that I have teamed up with several different companies as clients)

Thirdly.......Last but not least (actually First on the "list") is my job as a mother.   I have children ranging from 3 to 20 and have been lucky enough that even when working more than full time I've always had a flexible schedule to be able to be there for my children and I feel so incredibly blessed to have this privilege.   This upcoming school year is going to bring on some new changes and I am so excited!!   For those of you who don't know me, my mother did childcare while I was growing up, later we owned daycare centers & group homes.   I am the oldest sibling & cousin on both sides of my family, and I love kids!!   I have always missed working with kids especially teaching Pre-school, I think because I just love to teach people period!  Kids are especially fun because you can watch them "grow" from it, or really "see" the results of what you just taught them, it is such an awesome and rewarding feeling!  So back on track.....my 9 yr. old son (Drew) whom will be going into the fourth grade wants to be home schooled this next year.  My two step-children whom live in Cave Junction, OR. are both home schooled so he became familiar with it through them.   At first I had the picture in my head of the two of us sitting all day at our kitchen table with a stack of books and me pulling my hair out!!! Needless to say both Brett and I were against it.   We finally started researching and found that the school his children attend (Connections Academy) is an online public school.   They actually have real teachers whom they communicate with via online chat, email and phone.  The parents are NOT the teachers they are the "proctors" they commit to making the student do the work, spend the time, approving projects, physical education time, etc.   They actually have a school where the children could go if possible, meet their teacher, attend actual classes and field trips.   However, they are based in Scio so the chances of that are probably slim for most people scattered around the state.   I also found out though, that you can have the principal at your local public school sign a paper allowing them to be involved in any extra curricular stuff that might not be possible in a home school setting, such as "band" for a middle schooler, etc.  The more I learned the more I liked.   We are getting older (as parents), we both are self-employed, and our family is now all out of town.   We like to travel during "off-season" times because not only is it cheaper for a large family but its when we have the time available, this doesn't always work with the traditional school schedule, so we are limited on seeing family, etc.   By doing the home-schooling, it enables my family to have more flexibility, but also my child should he decide to submerse himself in a sport or something that takes extensive training such as gymnastics or wrestling.  So enough with the sales pitch, that wasn't my intention......just explaining how I got to where I was going.   The one thing missing from the home schooling was the social aspect of having kids in a classroom you grow close too, also the fact that I'll be limited on clients I can take on and any work outside the home.   So I got the idea to start daycare again, but this time look for older children close to Drew's age hopefully, whose parents also want the "hands on" learning for their children and like the academy but maybe cannot afford to quit work and home school themselves.  That is where we come in, we are going to take in approx. 4 other students where I will also "proctor" their home-school while their parents are at work.   As well as provide daycare, transportation to sports and extra-curricular activities, and take on some really amazing field trips!!  We plan to go to Crater Lake, hiking to high lakes, wildlife safari, the aquarium, omsi, lava beds, etc.  as well as explore our own backyard by taking care of animals, gardening, and composting!!  I am so excited to do this with the kids!!!  I'm currently working on how I can provide scholarship opportunities to parents who want this but cannot afford it, so if anyone has any ideas or wants to "sponsor" a child please contact me.

So this is already longer than I like my posts to be so I'm going to bring it to an end.   Once again, in my writing to you it helps me focus on my "main" jobs & goals so I can hone in and buckle down and get the work done!  So Thank you for that!  My New Years resolution was to "simplify" and I'm sure that anyone after reading this would think I'm failing miserably.  I guess you just have to "know" me, this is very "simplified" from what I'm used to.  In a way that still keeps me motivated (not bored), and enthusiastic about each day that is brought to me!   I am getting to do what I LOVE in a bunch of different ways, there is nothing cooler than that!   The money aspect, well I just have to trust our good Lord that as long as I'm putting my 120% in and working each job as if he were my boss, then he'll take care of me!!  He always has!

So for those of you who are self-employed or who are stay at home parents or ?????   If you don't have someone to answer to everyday, it is always good that when you feel down, or like your just not doing a good job, ask yourself "am I doing this like God is my boss?"  It always helps turn my attitude around, and I'm sure it will be helpful for you.

Thank you if you actually got to the bottom of this......for reading it.    If you yourself, or anyone you know could use any of the services above PLEASE contact me or have them contact me, I would be so honored to have my friends, family and online acquaintances to bless my family with referrals!!  So thank you in advance for those!!! ;)

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