The Verse I'm going to quote this morning is this:
what David said:
"I saw the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand.
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my tongue rejoices;
my body also will live in hope,
because you will not abandon me to
the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see
You have made known to me the paths
of life;
you will fill me with joy in your
Acts 2:25-28
What joy comes from knowing that we always have a friend at our side, even when we feel alone. I think people feel alone more than they are willing to admit. I can be at a party full of people yet feel alone. I spend all day long with my nearly 3yr. old, yet at the end of the day feel very lonely. I can even have a huge family & some best friends who are only a phone call away but even knowing that, I still have feelings of loneliness. As I mentioned above this morning I had a bunch of dirt that I had buried deep down in the pile of my "life" dug up and thrown in my face. Forcing me to face things, issues, people, that I'd rather keep down deep in the ground. With so many things coming at me its easy to blame the wrong people or lash out at whomever gets in my path, but would that be right? We all know the answer to that........NO, its not OK. I know what I need to do, I need to pray the kind of prayer where you get down on your knees and say:
"Lord, please give me the power, the strength, the endurance and the grace to make it through today. Forgive me for letting the enemy steal my morning, but let it end at this. We are your children Lord, and I command the enemy to get out of our lives and go back where he came, there is no place for him in our lives. I refuse to let him steal anymore moments from my family or I.
Lord, I also pray that you will show me my path for today, I'm sorry I let the enemy get me off track. You put us here so that we may enjoy our lives, and I pray that you will let me be a leader in my family to show them all how someone who has their arms locked with the Lord stands, acts and speaks today.
I am counting on you Father and I know you are there, as you always are"
Not everyone who reads this knows that I have to take a great leap of faith today. I have the choice to take matters into my own hands or to hand it over to God. I had already thought I handed them over, but this morning made me take them back and have that quick thought of "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself." Thank goodness that isn't true when your dealing with our Lord, when you trust in him he will ALWAYS see to it that his plans (the best plan) plays out. So after prayer, reading my bible, and writing this I am turning it back over to God. I trust him, I love him, and I know of all the people in the world he wants whats best for me and my family.
If there is something in your life that you just can't come to a conclusion about, and if you have asked God to come into your heart, then I'll challenge you to give your problem/issue to God. Then just trust and wait, he has the ability to work miracles, but only for those who put complete faith in him. (That's the key, COMPLETE faith, not keep one hand on it, while he holds the rest) You have to turn it over COMPLETELY and tell him that whatever happens you trust him and that it is within his will and his glorious plan for you and your families life.
After all this bible study I'm going to end in the good words I just heard from Big Bird & Snufffleupagus:
"Even though we argue, we are still best friends......" now that is what a godly friendship is all about, so glad my son got to hear that today!
Have a Great Day Everyone!!
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