I will add a couple more things to that. So many have asked about my career; the answer to that right now is "Its part of the journey I'm on..." and I really don't know exactly where the Lord has taken me. He has shown me a clear vision of where I'm going (I've shared a bit, and will share more later on that) and there is not one inkling inside of me that doubts that vision. The part I'm having difficulties with is the "getting there part", but I wake up each morning trying my hardest to do what is right, and have faith that the Lord is taking me there, even when it doesn't feel like it. I think the hardest part is financially, as we all would probably have to agree........our country has turned in to a society built on living above our means and keeping up with the Jones' and no matter how much to don't want to sucumb to that, just wait till your kiddo asks to play a sport or an instrument and you can't afford it, and then ask yourself how important money is to you! The funny thing is that if we REALLY had given a problem like that to the Lord, he would provide, I know he would but you, just like me probably have that problem of keeping just one finger on it for that "just incase" moment so we can take it back and handle it ourselves (as if we are more capable than God????)!
So......hears the truth, I'm looking for my path. If someone were to ask me what I did I'd probably answer that I'm an "entrepreneur" (yah, yah, I know what your thinking, thats another word for unemployed....LOL) but for me that word has great meaning and to think that I can actually call myself that is actually mind boggling. I remember being about 7yrs. old and my mom taking a course at the community college, we stopped by her "school" one day so she could drop something off and I remember seeing her with this big thick book that had this ginormous word on it that I couldn't pronounce. She told me it said "Entrepreneur" and then proceeded to tell me the definition. Right then and there, I knew thats what I would be, I didn't understand, I can't remember the details of my thoughts, but I remember that moment, the car we were driving and a picture in my head of that book. Through all my years it has stuck with me. So what does that "Actually" mean for the right now......I currently have my Oregon Principal Brokers License in Real Estate, and I am in the process of moving to being the Principal Broker of our Referral Company, where I will no longer actively "practice" Real Estate? Why? Because I want to know that I'm serving my clients in the very best way they deserve and I've found a better way to do this, the other reason is that this allows me more free time to pursue what God's calling is for me, and the job description will also involve a lot of teaching and coaching, and helping people, which are really the parts I love most. I have a team of two guys who will be working my "book of business" (this is YOU, so please don't stop calling me regarding Real Estate needs!!!) and I will be coaching and helping them through your transactions. The second is I will be doing a series of summer camps this summer going back to another love of mine (kids), and I will start out Sept. 2011 by homeschooling my 4th grader and a couple other children, and it is looking like I will be directing a Pre-School (but this is still in the works). I enjoy teaching, writing curriculum, sales, and marketing........wow! I know what a combination! So if you have any great ideas let me know! Also, if you ever need a speaker for your work, church group, teen group, or any other type of group let me know. It does not have to be religious, I have done a lot of motivational speaking that has nothing to do with my christianity, however I would love to be free to refer to our Father in heaven. I feel like this is one thing I am being led by God to do, and he has provided opportunities for this, and coincidentally enough this kind of experience is what I need to eventually fulfill God's purpose for me. Really cool, huh? At least I think so.
So this blog post has became all about me, and that is not at all what my intentions were in the beginning.....but often times when I have this urge to write I just let my fingers do the talking and the Lord leads me to what I need to say. So I'm guessing that right now someone who is reading this is probably having the thought "you just answered my question" so even though it was God and had nothing to do with me, I'll say "Your Welcome".
A little bit more....I also feel like someone who reads this is in need of prayer (aren't we all), but someone more particularly. The Lord isn't showing me more than just this that I should tell you that I am here, and that if you want to call me, email me, text me however you choose to contact me........all you have to do is give me one word, and I feel like I will know the rest. However, if you want to tell me more you are welcome to. I would like to pray for you, but I need that one word. I am going to pray for everyone who reads this today, tomorrow, or whenever you get a chance.....remember God is with you. Some times it feels like you are lost. Like I mentioned above, I often have that feeling, but we all need to remember that its in those moments when we feel the most lost, when we are wandering around the darkness of the wilderness that we most need our Lord, and he knows that. He knows that some times we must hit bottom, or wander in the darkness before we actually call out to him for his help. That is why he's there, to help. He put us here on earth so that we may enjoy our lives, his love for us is sufficient for any trial that we may go through and he already knew ahead of time what we'd go through, how we'd handle it, and how we'll end up. Yet, regardless of if we handled it right or wrong, or if it led us toward him or away from him, he forgives us, and loves us even more. I pray that you will feel God's love for you today, that you will feel his presence in your life and that if you have not yet asked him to come into your heart that you will pray that prayer and just tell it like it is, he already knows. I also pray that the person who is in need of prayer, no matter how uncomfortable it is, no matter if they want to use a fake name or email account, and anonymously tell me that "word" that you will step out on a limb of faith and let me pray for you. These words are not from me, but from our Lord and I know how odd this probably sounds to you, but our Father knows you are hurting, he knows you want prayer, he knows that it is going to feel uncomfortable for you to tell me, yet he's asking you to do it, and I believe its more for me, than for you, but we will find that one out together. :)
God is Good. He truly works miracles, if you don't believe me, just think of the day your baby was born or if you've ever got to watch a baby being born. There is not a soul on earth that could argue during that moment that there isn't a God! I love you. He loves you. Amen
In my bible is a torn piece of yellow paper acting as a book mark and on it I've written:
The Lord said "My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9
Have Faith today Everyone~! For as it says above, some times you have to have a bad day in order for God to show you the Glory of a good one!
Jaime, this makes my heart sing to see what God is doing in your life He is truly amazing. The world may not see and find this is foolish that we stand not on our own understanding,but we trust God above. Faith..May the Lord shine His face upon you today. Love your sister in Christ Jesus