Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's always cool to learn from your mistakes...

So I've been a little busy lately and haven't been able to blog as much as the ideas and topics have popped into my head, however I have taken the time to right them down in a notebook so now I have a "backlog" of ideas.....LOL    However, today I'm just going to write and see where my fingers take me since my ideas are not where I am   :)

Part of the reason I've been so busy is I've been putting my life in order; I guess you could call it Spring Cleaning of the brain, and with that has come the start of a new business and the change in some others.   Hopefully anyone who is reading this has read my other post where I kind of explained "what I do" and why I seem to be associated with so many different companies.

My new project is really a labor of love and I truly believe it was God's will that put it in my heart, and he has been driving the boat ever since.  I really feel that I'm just along for the ride, the cool thing is though I'm prepared.   By that I mean, I am getting to have A LOT of those moments that finally come full circle and you realize why something that you went through that maybe was negative or "not real pleasant" happened, and I'm now able to use those as learning experiences as to not repeat them.   See God let me fail when I was working in the flesh but it was not all in vain, he had a plan for me and knew I needed to learn from those mistakes so that I would be equipped to do things right when working for him.   Very creative our God is!!! 

So I've been taking every business/marketing course/class I can possibly take lately.   I am also learning a lot on non-profits (in hopes of having a ministries some day).   I used to do daycare and teach Pre-school as many of you know but its been about 7 years since I've done it.   For the past couple years I've found myself missing working with children, and looking for opportunities where I could.   Finally, the idea came to start a new Pre-school, and without going in to all the details (I will save that for later), as soon as I let that become a reality the Lord has just been opening the doors!  It has been a really awesome experience, and what is really cool is to know that you are doing things "right" because you have learned from your previous failure or just plain lack of knowledge.   I know this probably is cooler to me, than it sounds to you reading this, but if you've ever experienced this then you know what I'm talking about.

So that is what I've been up to......starting this process, and simplifying the rest of my "projects" so I have time to do the Lord's work.  I will keep you updated on how this goes along with the rest of stuff I have going on its all really cool!

If you are interested in learning about the Pre-school, or any of the summer camps, baby-sitting certification course, etc.  please feel free to call or email me!  or find me on facebook.

My family is crying out for my attention so gotta run.....

Have a great week everyone!

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